Webinars & Videos

Click the drop-down menu below to view a selection of helpful videos on a variety of topics related to forestland management.


Click the drop-down menu below to view information about different organizations that can help you manage your forests.

  • The American Forest Foundation connects family forest owners to the resources they need to make a positive impact on their land, including the Family Forest Carbon Program, American Tree Farm System, and Landscape Management Plans.

    Visit AFF

  • The Blue Mountain Cohesive Strategy represents a holistic, comprehensive approach to dealing with wildfire issues: safely and effectively extinguish fire when needed, use fire where allowable, manage our natural resources, and as a nation, to live with wildland fire.

    Visit BMCS

  • Firewise USA is a flexible national recognition program that helps you improve your community's wildfire preparedness. It gives landowners a template to work together as a community to improve the collective safety and resilience of their homes and properties to withstand a wildfire.

    Visit Northeast Oregon Firewise

  • With both the Umatilla and Wallowa Whitman National Forests in our backyard, the Forest Service is an important neighbor and partner for forestland owners in the Blues.

    Visit the Forest Service

  • A ‘land trust’ is a non-profit with a mission to protect, preserve, and steward special lands by working with willing landowners and community partners.

    Voluntary land conservation is a way for private landowners to exercise their right to determine the use of their land. For many landowners, conservation is a means to leave a legacy for future generations.

    Wallowa Land Trust

    Blue Mountain Land Trust

  • The Oregon Small Woodland Owners Association is a statewide organization that has local chapters of small woodland owners who believe in healthy, sustainable forests that meet the goals of landowners and the conservation of Oregon's natural resources. In Northeast Oregon, there are two chapters that host neighbor to neighbor tours, workshops, and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among the forest landowner community.

    Visit NEOSWA

  • Oregon Department of Forestry’s mission is to serve the people of Oregon by protecting, managing, and promoting stewardship of Oregon's forests to enhance environmental, economic, and community sustainability.

    Visit ODF

  • In 1991, the Oregon Legislature created the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) to support and enhance Oregon’s forest products industry. The state agency provides forest and forest management education programs for the general public, K-12 teachers and students, and forest landowners.

    Visit OFRI

  • OSU Extension partners with local communities to provide trusted expertise and science-based knowledge to address critical issues and help every Oregonian thrive. With dedicated local Extension Foresters in your area, they are a valuable resource to landowners.

    Visit OSU Extension

  • So you've completed some thinning projects around your property - what can you do with some of the wood and biomass that you have accumulated? Luckily, there are a few options for you! Regional wood product and biomass markets can utilize your leftover woody biomass for a variety of purposes. Check out the companies below for a few options!

  • Wallowa Resources works with communities, public and private partners, and landowners to create strong economies and healthy landscapes through land stewardship, education, and job creation.

    Visit Wallowa Resources