Landowner Community Resources
Community based resources are a key factor in sharing local information, resources, and stories amongst landowners. The organizations below help foster connections in your local neighborhoods and Northeast Oregon community at large.
Connect with your fellow forestland owners by clicking on the information below.
Firewise USA
Firewise USA is a flexible national recognition program that helps you improve your community's wildfire preparedness. It gives landowners a template to work together as a community to improve the collective safety and resilience of their homes and properties to withstand a wildfire.
Visit the Northeast Oregon Firewise website - www.neoregonfirewise.org
Oregon Small Woodlands Association
The Oregon Small Woodland Owners Association is a statewide organization that has local chapters of small woodland owners who believe in healthy, sustainable forests that meet the goals of landowners and the conservation of Oregon's natural resources. In Northeast Oregon, there are two chapters that host neighbor to neighbor tours, workshops, and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among the forest landowner community.
For general information, visit the OSWA website.
For more localized information, contact your local chapter:
Northeast OSWA website (Baker, Grant, Union, and Wallowa Counties)
In the Woods Podcast
From the Oregon State University’s Extension Service, “In the Woods” is a monthly podcast series with the Forestry & Natural Resources Extension program. This podcast aims to share the voices of researchers, land managers, and members of the public interested in telling the story of how woodlands provide more than just trees, they provide interconnectedness that is essential to your daily life.
Learn more at the "In The Woods" podcast website.
Voices of the Blues
Hear the success stories and learning experiences from people who care for and manage them across Northeast Oregon.
Hear the stories on our website.
Stay up to date with forestry happenings across NE Oregon by following our Facebook Page.
Oregon Tree Farm System
The Oregon Tree Farm System is a non-profit organization affiliated with the American Tree Farm System and American Forest Foundation.
Their purpose is to help family forest landowners manage their lands with the goals of conserving forests, water, and wildlife while promoting natural resources based recreational opportunities.
Learn more at the OTFS website.